This entry into the Georgia Hall of Shame is dedicated to P. Harris Hines, ex-Cobb County Superior Court Judge, and George H. Carley, ex-Georgia Appellate Court Judge - both of which now park their crony butts on the bench of the Supreme Court for the state of Georgia. These two rubes were appointed to the bench by Zig Zag Zell Miller in 1993/1995 as probable repayment for their kowtowing to the Republican powers that existed in Cobb County, Georgia in the late 80s. While the primary participants in an outrageous scheme to protect a lying, perfidious ex-assistant US attorney and his serial arsonist son from prosecution for approximately 10 fires and concomitant insurance fraud were subsequently run out of town, along with most of the crony members of the county school board, these two fraudulent legal hacks remain, presumably still issuing rulings which blow in the wind towards the well-heeled. The courts of Georgia are truly blind, measuring but one truth. And that truth would be Gold.
These legal hirelings
wrongly dismissed a civil suit against a GOP crony and his criminal, asocial family. The issue in question was whether they were legally liable for the plaintiff's arrest and imprisonment for the crimes of the son, and for the father's malicious attempts to utilize his connections with the local legal system to protect the son at the plaintiff's expense. Hines dismissed not only a criminal Grand Jury indictment against the arsonist defendant, but a civil suit as well - in a clear conflict of interest from which he should have recused himself. Of course, fellow Emory classmates gotta cover each other's backsides, eh? While a visiting judge from Rome reviewed this case and was apparently going to stick it to the defendants, leave it to the crooks and liars of the Cobb County judicial circuit and the utterly malignant Cobb Bar Association to subvert the law, precedent, and due process to protect well-oiled criminals and a meddling dead state Senator. And of course, they had to pull in an ex-assistant US District Attorney, P. Bruce Kirwan, in order to swing more weight around to protect the various criminal offspring of school board associates
Tocco and
Still. According to public records, the collective works of these asocial offspring includes multiple counts of arson, perjury, insurance fraud, aggravated assault (knife stabbing), simple assault, underage in possession, assault on police officers, resisting arrest, multiple DUIs, indecent enticement of a minor, supplying alchohol to a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, concealed weapons charges, and
attempted extortion of the citizens of Clearwater, Florida over gumball real estate scams.
What a collection of privileged asshats.
Additionally, after the Superior court suit was dismissed, coinciding with an arson which destroyed the plaintiff's property, cash, tools, and source of income, they evidently used this fire as further ex-parte evidence against the plaintiff - even though the circumstances surrounding this fire were tantamount to more insurance fraud and rank collusion. Deputies were on hand when the appeal was filed with the appellate court clerk, and Carley subsequently upheld the bogus ruling proffered by the lower court with a signature-less ruling. This suit was pursued to the Supreme Court of Georgia, and no justice was ever forthcoming from the political minions of this politically rancid carcass of a state. Judges, Navy recruiters, ex-doctors, Georgia politicians, military industrial consultants, supposed friends, lawyers, insurance brokers,
and much more were involved in this vile maneuver - guiding the lamb to slaughter at their temple of avarice, corruption and malfeasance.
Even worse, the unwanted interference in the plaintiff's life continued for 18 years beyond this incident. Moving to another state didn't help a bit, and darned if they didn't follow the victim to Florida as well, involving family members and various other Emory graduates placed within the Florida state government. Cripes, how far away must one move to escape these filthy people and their moronic, collusive, Republican, fuel-screw, banker worshiping ways?
People, your courts and political systems are corrupt lairs of filthy, self-serving hyenas who will destroy anyone, anytime it pleases them. There is no justice and there is no remedy for those who become victims of the pay to play, stacked deck of legal treachery known as your judicial system. Avoid it at all costs.
The legal system's apparatchik environ explains much of its contempt for the rule of law. Someone who has risen through the ranks of a system that prizes political loyalty above all else isn’t likely to balk at considering manufactured, ex-parte evidence, bribery, collusion or blantant treachery to disenfranchise ordinary citizens or suppress potentially damaging investigations of fellow cronies. As Franklin Foer of The New Republic has pointed out, in College Republican elections, dirty tricks and double crosses are considered acceptable, even praiseworthy. Thus we see this whole malignant scenario played out on the national front as well. Stuffing the Federal District and State Courts, scandals concerning the political ousting of US Attorneys, voter suppression, fraud, collusion, theft, lies and deceptions are their hallmark - anything is acceptable in order to maintain a grasp on power and money.
The bromide declares, "Old age and treachery beats youth and skill." Believe it.
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