The Party of Family Values

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Sundry observations concerning the world we live in.
"The danger the news media runs, though, is a little bit of the Dan Rather effect. That if people conclude they do not trust the media, in the age of the Internet - first of all, it's going to substantially increase turning to places like Fox, uh, and turning to radio, and turning to the Internet, and having people say "I want to find out what really is happening, because I don't trust the sources." And I think, I think you agree with me on this that the - we've always had a biased news media, but, but the toleration recently for just plain factually false reporting is astonishing. And, and the fact that the newspapers don't have any sense of remorse, don't have any sense of correcting the record, uh, what it is, is - it's not a matter of opinion, it's just blatantly false."
The two programs, "War on America" and "Ground Zero," are part of the "Inside 9/11" series written and produced by Jonathan David Towers of Towers Productions from Chicago. Towers has made several propaganda type films about the attack on the Pentagon, Saddam Hussein, the World Trade Center bombing of 1993, and a documentary called "America's Jewish Gangsters."
The "Inside 9/11" series seeks to reinforce the official version that Osama Bin Laden and 19 Arab hijackers were the architects and executors of the massive terror attacks that befell the United States four years ago.
Jonathan Towers grew up in a suburb of New York and is a 1982 graduate of Yale University. Fleshing Out Skull & Bones (2003) by Kris Millegan lists Mr. Towers as a 1982 initiate of Yale's super-secret elitist fraternity known as The Order of Skull & Bones.And...
The National Geographic Channel, which carries the program, is primarily controlled by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., which might lead one to ask which nation is meant by "national."
Murdoch, the Australian-born owner of FOX News, owns nearly 67 percent of the National Geographic Channel in the United States and 50 percent of National Geographic Channel International (NGCI).
The "war on terror" has created a culture of fear in America. The Bush administration's elevation of these three words into a national mantra since the horrific events of 9/11 has had a pernicious impact on American democracy, on America's psyche and on U.S. standing in the world. Using this phrase has actually undermined our ability to effectively confront the real challenges we face from fanatics who may use terrorism against us.Read On...
The damage these three words have done -- a classic self-inflicted wound -- is infinitely greater than any wild dreams entertained by the fanatical perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks when they were plotting against us in distant Afghan caves. The phrase itself is meaningless. It defines neither a geographic context nor our presumed enemies. Terrorism is not an enemy but a technique of warfare -- political intimidation through the killing of unarmed non-combatants.
HOUSTON (AP) -- A 19-year-old Texas A&M University student was killed by her ex-boyfriend, who then dismembered and burned her body on a patio grill, authorities said Saturday.
Investigators say Timothy Wayne Shepherd, 27, confessed Wednesday to strangling Tynesha Stewart because he was angry she had begun a new relationship. Shepherd, who is charged with murder, is being held on $250,000 bond.
"We have determined through this investigation that the defendant dismembered Tynesha Stewart and...he burned the body parts," Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said. "There are no remaining body parts."
Backers of a South Dakota initiative designed to reform the state’s courts by holding judges accountable for their rulings are licking their wounds after the amendment’s defeat at the polls. Organizers behind the measure said they had to contend with a well-funded propaganda mill that ran nonstop to defeat the proposed state constitutional amendment.
Still, backers say they will not give up and hope that this revolutionary measure will spread like wildfire across the country.
The onslaught against Amendment E, known officially as the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, or JAIL, featured several key players. The South Dakota State Bar figured prominently in the anti-amendment movement, reportedly spending at least $1 million. The bar’s allies included the insurance lobby, Citibank, which donated $50,000 and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which donated $15,000. All of the 105 state legislators signed a resolution opposing the amendment.