I made the mistake of venturing out into the nether world of the Red State this past Saturday, mingling with a variety of people including two generations of federal law clerks, an enlisted Air Force lifer about to be deployed to Iraq, a clothing salesman originally from New York, a transplanted Ohioan, and of course, the ubiquitous (around here, anyway) "friend of Newt." The conversations were generally pleasant, with the exception of the Newtite who stalked off in a huff when I proposed that if the pompous, war-mongering, anti-constitutionalist, NeoCon Newt has anything to say to me he should haul his ass on down. It seems they have the mistaken idea that I am somehow "unenlightened" as to the horrible dangers posed by this evil world. That I, somehow, just don't get it. And further, that I care one iota what they think. I have already discarded their perverted ideals as the garbage which emanates from dark, depraved minds.
But to clear up this misconception, I "get it" just fine. I see the dangers in this world, and I clearly see who is responsible for exacerbating tensions in the world arena. And for the most part, it is this pack of rabid NeoCon zealots. They will never win me over to their bizarre, morally bankrupt, xenophobic vision of the world, and they may as well stop trying. Further, that they would ply with some shameless emotional blackmail is beyond the pale. They are twisted, morally and emotionally bankrupt husks of humanity.
Your mission for the day is to look at these images of a beautiful, progressive and creative country and its generally moderate people and guess who they are:

Figured it out yet?
This is Iran and the capitol city of Tehran.
Now compare these images to the war mongering rhetoric being spewed forth by the
clowns profiteers of the NeoCon/PNAC Cabal concerning Iran and the feigned threat it poses to the free world.
To quote the babbling cretin GWB, "We can't get fooled again."
Video Collages Of Iran:
Iran: Another Perspective, a Photo TourIran: Images from TehranOh, and Newt?
You are yesterday's bad news - Put Up or Shut the Fuck Up.
- You, who opposes free speech and advocates censorship of the Internet.
- You, who screamed at the top of your lungs that you were "Mad As Hell" at what you saw as corruption in the Democratic party, but subsequently ushered into place the most corrupt pack of self-serving hyenas in modern history.
- You, who give lip service to morals and family values, while at the same time carrying on clandestine affairs with various women, and serving the first wife who put you through Emory with divorce papers as she lay in the hospital succumbing to cancer.
- You, who are nothing more than a pompous, narcissistic, opportunistic media whore who is consumed by credulous delusions of grandeur.
- You, whose flatulent ego is propped up by legions of pale sycophants who are similarly inept and delusional.
- You, who are a sub-par scab on the face of humanity - as are your buds from Emory. And you know the rest of the story, bubba...