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Friday, February 13, 2009

Fucking Newt

Fucking shit, it never ends. I sit in this stinking hovel in this white trash neighborhood in this nasty ass flyover state packed with ignorant human debris until I can't stand the sight of it. And when I can take no more of the total isolation and have to get out, it's bad enough I have to drive 30 miles across town to escape the ignorant inbred worshipers of Newt, but now I can't even do that - they've found out where I go to have a beer in my vain attempts to meet a sane woman. Any stupid fuck that sits down next to me and tells me that Obama is the anti-Christ when compared to Darth Cheney and his merry band of war-mongering, war-profiteering thieves deserves to be knocked off their stool.

Christ almighty, you ignorant fucks, what part of this sentence do you not understand? I do not like Newt, I do not think he is a genius, I do not care how many damned pictures you have of you two shaking hands, and I do not for a minute think he deserves or ever stands a chance of becoming elected President. I hope he dies in a gunfight with a well armed Mexican crack dealer who speaks the language of the ghetto. I think he is a pompous demagogue media whore with an unjustly inflated ego imbued by the equally ignorant legions of crap that worship him. I think he is human garbage that crawled out of the swamps of the inbred 80 IQ state he was educated in, and his Emory University school chums are even bigger piles of steaming crap than he. In all the years of his "public service" he never came up with one original thought in service of the American public. The bulk of the Republican party should be hung along with the few remaining retards that belong to the party. And then hung again, just to make sure.

Leave it these morons to ruin a dozen or more lives over some stupid, inbred illiterate serial arsonist kid and his freakish redneck family. A fucking retard that, no matter how much they catered to his mental illness, ended up doing himself in anyway. There is a trail of broken lives littered after this little SOB and the GOP trash, all friends and fellow Emory University schoolmates of Newt, that attempted to cover for his ass. The state of Georgia retains a minimum of two criminally complicit judges from Newt's launch pad in Marietta that should be in jail, not sitting on a bench having been promoted to the State Supreme Court for their complicity with multiple counts of Arson, Perjury, Insurance Fraud, a bucketful of Canon Ethics violations, witness tampering and quite probably, attempted homicide.

So do us both a favor and keep your damned sycophants the hell away from me, you fat, slimy little whoremonger. You're behaviours will be thoroughly depicted in the book and I'm not interested in a damned thing you have to say or your whining objections.

Go Fuck Yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm...hope you feel better.
I hate Newtie, too. I don't disagree with anything you said. But what was that all about?

Sun Feb 22, 08:28:00 AM  
Blogger fallenmonk said...

Hey Doc, don't hold back man tell us how you really feel. :-)

I gotta go get my onion plants in the ground but I will be thinking of Newt whilst I shovel the manure.

I've met him a couple of times but I immediately came home and bathed. The same with Dr. Tom Price and Bob Barr.

Sun Feb 22, 10:28:00 AM  
Blogger lisahgolden said...

Oh. Okay then. I guess I'll just run along instead of telling you how I love to rub Newt's belly and make his leg go all wobbly like a puppy's.

Sun Feb 22, 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought I could rant.

Sun Feb 22, 03:10:00 PM  
Blogger Dr. Know said...

It is about the fact that for 22 years I've had people getting in my face about Newt, his crooked pals from Cobb County and Emory University - which is apparently a right-wing breeding ground of scum - and the US Navy. I go out all over this city that I never wanted to see again trying to avoid this garbage, and everywhere I end up I am tagged by some right-wing freak who attempts to convince me that I simply must be a republican. I've even gotten this line of shit from elected N. GA Democrats. Frankly, I'd rather leap off of a tall building. Moving to other states doesn't help, and I'm tired of it. I don't care who these inbreds elect and I'm not interested in their perverted brand of politics. I'd like a life far away from here and the company of a nubile waif who isn't batshit crazy - not this irritating crap. I don't waste money in order to talk to people I don't like or trust, and I will never become a Republican - EVER. So shut the hell up about it already. Personally, I think they're pretty much all grandstanding crooks and, like Groucho Marx, would never be a member of any organization that would have me as a member. But if I were forced to claim allegiance to one of the two parties of idiots in this country, it would, without hesitation, be Democrats.

Price is yet another of the Emory/GOP crap I try to avoid, but I wouldn't know him from Adam. Bob Barr is the law partner of Edwin Marger, an attorney whose offices used to be at the edge of Cobb and Fulton county lines, but coincidentally moved to Jasper at the same time as another local Cobb government crook involved with the arson mentioned below. Marger, among a number of other slimy GA pettifoggers, never bothered to warn me who these people were, and actually gave me a copy of the civil complaint used to initiate the case against the scum of Cobb County depicted here. I can only assume he thought it would be amusing to observe events unfold and confirm the utter corruption of the legal system he is part of. Freak.

You would... ;-)

Thanks - I think...

Sun Feb 22, 04:18:00 PM  
Blogger Fran said...

Whew! You really do need a beer!
Maybe a shot of something stronger to go along with that!

Sun Feb 22, 10:38:00 PM  

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