Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. Please.
Try and read this latest William "The Bloody" Kristol "op-ed" without your head exploding. That the NYT would give this pretentious media whore, liar, and war mongering PNAC tool a voice on their pages is incredulous.
Be Afraid. Please.
Fathom the lack of logic, reasoning, facts; the tired, worn out rhetoric.
Wins its wars? Please... When did we declare war on Iraq? We are at war with CIA blowback, faulty US diplomacy, a nebulous illusion, an idea -- not a country. What is the definition of "winning?" How do we "win?" When do we "win?" I'll answer that for you Billy Boy. When we have established permanent military bases in Iraq, have installed an obsequious puppet regime in Iraq, and have kindly wrested control of the second largest oil reserves in the world into the hands of American Oil Interests. Those are the PNAC stated goals as far back as 1990 -- and that's a fact.
Protects its unborn children? By eroding education, the economy, health care, the Constitution, and killing off their parents in the aforementioned "war?" Kristol declares that, "Life is full of disappointments." You bet it is -- one of the biggest being that you weren't deposited into a medical waste repository at 5 1/2 weeks.
And yeah, boy -- that hard-earned income that will be used to pay trillions to corrupt Military Industrial Contractors for the next 20 years due to pointless wars of aggressive imperialism; to bail out corrupt banks and the brokers who have already skipped with their vast commissions for tendering ill-advised loans; to prop up the imploding economy which has shipped every conceivable job and factory to countries chocked with disposable labourers and less than zero environmental and safety regulations.
Be afraid. Please?
You bet I am. I'm afraid these traitors will persist in duping a nation of morans into selling out their last hope of survival to an old, senile Manchurian candidate and his supporting morass of avaricious, traitorous thieves.
Just shut up Kristol. Crawl back into that hole you emerged from after clawing your way from the bowels of Hell -- your Unholy Master beckons. And take Bush, Cheney, and Newt, et al. with you.
Would somebody please flush the head - posthaste?
It's beginning to smell in here.
Be Afraid. Please.
Fathom the lack of logic, reasoning, facts; the tired, worn out rhetoric.
"Don’t McCain backers also have hope — for an America that wins its wars, protects its unborn children and allows its citizens to keep more of their hard-earned income?"
Wins its wars? Please... When did we declare war on Iraq? We are at war with CIA blowback, faulty US diplomacy, a nebulous illusion, an idea -- not a country. What is the definition of "winning?" How do we "win?" When do we "win?" I'll answer that for you Billy Boy. When we have established permanent military bases in Iraq, have installed an obsequious puppet regime in Iraq, and have kindly wrested control of the second largest oil reserves in the world into the hands of American Oil Interests. Those are the PNAC stated goals as far back as 1990 -- and that's a fact.
Protects its unborn children? By eroding education, the economy, health care, the Constitution, and killing off their parents in the aforementioned "war?" Kristol declares that, "Life is full of disappointments." You bet it is -- one of the biggest being that you weren't deposited into a medical waste repository at 5 1/2 weeks.
And yeah, boy -- that hard-earned income that will be used to pay trillions to corrupt Military Industrial Contractors for the next 20 years due to pointless wars of aggressive imperialism; to bail out corrupt banks and the brokers who have already skipped with their vast commissions for tendering ill-advised loans; to prop up the imploding economy which has shipped every conceivable job and factory to countries chocked with disposable labourers and less than zero environmental and safety regulations.
Be afraid. Please?
You bet I am. I'm afraid these traitors will persist in duping a nation of morans into selling out their last hope of survival to an old, senile Manchurian candidate and his supporting morass of avaricious, traitorous thieves.
Just shut up Kristol. Crawl back into that hole you emerged from after clawing your way from the bowels of Hell -- your Unholy Master beckons. And take Bush, Cheney, and Newt, et al. with you.
Would somebody please flush the head - posthaste?
It's beginning to smell in here.